MedicalRecord REST API

Common Responses

Error reponses are the same for all the methods exposed by the REST API, response has a SUCCESS field with value false and an ERROR field with a short description of the occurred error. An example is the following:

{"success": false,
 "data": {
     "error": "<error_message>",
     "code": "<error_code>"

Error Codes

The possible error codes are:

  • 101 - No token provided: the request misses an OAuth2 token
  • 102 - Token doesn”t exist: the OAauth2 token used for the request is not valid
  • 501 - Patient doesn”t exist: the id of the patient is not recognized by the system
  • 502 - Missing parameters: the request misses some required parameter


POST /patients/

Create a patient with demographics and ehr id. If the the ehr id is not specified, the server creates it automatically. The demographic_uuid, on the other hand is mandatory and is the id of the patient in an external demographic service (e.g., most-demographics)

  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
  • demographic_uuid – identification for demographics data. It should be an id related to a patient of an external demographic service
  • ehr_uuid – identification for ehr data
Response Headers:

Example of correcy response:

    "success": true,
    "patient": {
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "nlpwv5wcqrqlqr2u3eiodo3qtjghnres"
GET /patients/

Get the patients related to a taskgroup. The taskgroup is associated with the OAuth2 access token which has to be sent in input.

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "patients": [{
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "nlpwv5wcqrqlqr2u3eiodo3qtjghnres"
GET /patients/(string: patient_uuid)/

Get the patient with the specified patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "patient": {
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "nlpwv5wcqrqlqr2u3eiodo3qtjghnres"
PUT /patients/

Update a patient with a new demographic id

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
  • patient_uuid – the patient id of the patient to update
  • demographic_uuid – the new demographic_uuid value
Response Headers:

Example of correct response:

    "success": true,
    "patient": {
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "new_demographic_id"
DELETE /patients/

Delete a patient

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
  • patient_uuid – the patient id of the patient to delete
Response Headers:

Example of correct response:

    "success": true,
    "patient": {
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "new_demographic_id"


GET /demographic/(string: demographic_uuid)/

Get the patient with the specified demographic uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "patient": {
        "uuid": "drpp32jnmapx3roaf5j7k46saj2ynuba",
        "demographic_uuid": "nlpwv5wcqrqlqr2u3eiodo3qtjghnres"


GET /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/

Return a the patient’s ehr record for the patient identified by patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "record": {
    "record_id": "gnaiibv2pvca4pufllijbacaengt4i5k",
        "active": true,
        "ehr_records": [],
        "creation_time": 1493994347.727665,
        "last_update": 1493994347.727665
POST /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/

Creates the ehr for the patient specified by patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "record": {"record_id": "gnaiibv2pvca4pufllijbacaengt4i5k",
        "active": true,
        "ehr_records": [],
        "creation_time": 1493994347.727665,
        "last_update": 1493994347.727665
DELETE /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/

Delete the ehr for the patient specified by patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
  • delete_method – it can be “hide” (default) or “delete”. In the first case the record is only deactivated in the second it is actually deleted
Response Headers:

Example of correct responses:

    "success": true,
    "record": {"record_id": "gnaiibv2pvca4pufllijbacaengt4i5k",
        "active": false,
        "ehr_records": [],
        "creation_time": 1493994347.727665,
        "last_update": 1493994347.727665
POST /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/records/

Save a new ehr record to the ehr of the patient with id patient_uuid. The record id is created by the system. The data of the request must be a JSON encoded openEHR archetype.

Request Headers:
Response Headers:

Example of correct request data:

    "archetype_class": "openEHR.TEST-EVALUATION.v1",
    "archetype_details": {
        "at0001": "val1",
        "at0002": "val2"

Example of correct response:

    "record": {
        "ehr_data": {
            "archetype_class": "openEHR.TEST-EVALUATION.v1",
            "archetype_details": {
                "at0001": "val1",
                "at0002": "val2"
        "creation_time": 1399905956.765149,
        "last_update": 1399905956.765149,
        "record_id": "9a30f6b6a36b49c6b16e249ef35445eb",
        "active": true,
        "version": 1,
    "success": true
POST /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/records/(string: record_uuid)/

Same as the previous function but in this case the record_uuid is provided by the client.

GET /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/records/(string: record_uuid)/

Return the ehr record identified by record_uuid from the ehr of patient specified by patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct response:

    "record": {
        "ehr_data": {
            "archetype_class": "openEHR.TEST-EVALUATION.v1",
            "archetype_details": {
                "at0001": "val1",
                "at0002": "val2"
        "creation_time": 1399905956.765149,
        "last_update": 1399905956.765149,
        "record_id": "9a30f6b6a36b49c6b16e249ef35445eb",
        "active": true,
        "version": 1,
    "success": true
DELETE /ehr/(string: patient_uuid)/records/(string: record_uuid)/

Delete the ehr record identified by record_uuid from the ehr of patient specified by patient_uuid

Query Parameters:
  • access_token – the OAuth2 access token returned by the server after the authentication
Response Headers:

Example of correct response:

    "message": "EHR record with ID cf629c7c51b740fb9776f8c4cc51f293 successfully hidden",
    "success": true